Visa Process

The Visa Application Process

In order to live and work in South Korea, one must first obtain a work-visa. This process can take more than one month, so once committing to a job and signing a contract, it is important to immediately begin applying for a work-visa. Different types of visas exist for different lines of work. One may either have an E-1, E-2, or E-5 visa. Those married to Korean citizens may obtain F-2 visas in order to work.

Steps in applying for a visa:

  1. Contact nearest Korean consulate or embassy to find out which documents you need to prepare
  2. Obtain criminal background check, following U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Korea guidelines
  3. With employer: obtain sponsorship, certificate of employment (if specified by consulate), and signed contract
  4. Bring or mail above documents, original college diploma (or notarized copy) and sealed transcripts, passport, and passport-size photos to Korean consulate or embassy
  5. After arriving in Korea, pass medical tests for TBPE, Cannabinoid, and HIV, and obtain residence permit from local immigration office

For further, more detailed information regarding the visa process:

Visit the Teaching in Korea section of the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Korea website.

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Or, go to the visa thread on Dave’s ESL Cafe Korean Job Forum.

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